Seattle Public Schools


Department of Racial Equity Advancement

Students smile for a photo

About DREA

You belong正规的棋牌平台排行榜实现教育和种族平等的运动中, even if you are just beginning your antiracism journey.

The Department of Racial Equity Advancement (DREA) is a 支持种族平等领导力发展的能力建设部门 跨越个人、团队和部门——无论是在学校大楼还是在中央办公室.

Our collective work is to operationalize the commitments laid out in Board Policy 0030: Ensuring Educational and Racial Equity in alignment with our Seattle Excellence Strategic Plan.

Getting Connected to DREA


Resources and Supports for the SPS Community:


DREA staffs three Specialists, or coaches, dedicated to supporting RETs in their anti-racist systems change work, along with a Program Manager to ensure the progress, alignment and positive outcomes of RET work. DREA programmatic supports available to RETs are:

  • Leadership Coaching – to support the capacity of RETs as anti-racist leaders in their schools.
  • Action Plan & Racial Equity Analysis Coaching – to support the effectiveness and impact of RET work.
  • Professional Development -通过研究所和实践社区,支持RET成员培养反种族主义技能.

现有的地区赞助的团队可以在网站上找到大量的资源 Racial Equity Teams Schoology group.

具体的问题可以直接问你的DREA教练,程序性的问题可以发给nicholl Coates, DREA Program Manager, at

处理新地区资助的RETs申请的机构被称为 Partnership Committee, a convening of SPS and SEA.

该委员会的目的是确保我们教育制度中的种族平等, 毫无疑问地满足有色人种学生的需求,他们离教育公正最远, and to undo the legacies of racism in our educational system, consistent with Board Policy 0030.

If you have questions for the Partnership Committee, or are interested in applying to become a district-sponsored RET, you can contact them at


If you are an administrator with questions about DREA, Racial Equity Teams, or your school’s racial equity work, please contact Nichole Coates, DREA Program Manager, at

As a commitment to this crucial work, DREA目前正在与SPS合作伙伴合作,开发和推出专门为建筑管理人员设计的种族平等辅导支持.

Please stay tuned for program updates here. This program has not launched and is still in development, but if you have questions, please contact:

Nichole Coates
DREA Program Manager

DREA目前正在努力制定和启动中央办公室种族平等(CORE)团队计划 to build capacity for racial equity leadership at Central Office.

CORE teams operate similar to Racial Equity Teams in schools. CORE团队通过加强教师的声音和参与创造了一条通线, families, and community within Central Office to inform policies, practices and procedures.

If you have questions, please contact:


Outside of CORE teams, 区域援助署与中央办事处的一些部门进行了战略合作, divisions, and individuals. If you are seeking racial equity support and/or partnership, please contact Nichole Coates, DREA Program Manager, at

我们都有责任将自己和他人从有害中解放出来, historical legacies of racism and white supremacy. 我们共同努力,以体现正义的反种族主义学校体系服务于充满活力和多元化的西雅图社区,你们被看到并受到重视, healing, and shared humanity.

种族平等的工作在整个地区以正式和非正式的方式进行; in individuals and in convenings of educators, administrators, and staff. 以下是一些关键点和链接,可能会帮助你进入下一步:

  • Consider joining or starting 在你的学校或中央办公室部门成立一个地区赞助的种族平等小组(参见上面的RET和CORE项目的标签)
  • Consider starting 一个非地区赞助的PLC,致力于在你的学校或部门种族平等
  • Looking for online resources? There’s a lot out there. Here a few DREA recommends to get started with:
  • What about books? Again, the options are robust. Whether reading as an individual or part of a book club, DREA推荐以下几个已经在SPS中使用的标题作为开始的有力场所:
    • Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain, Zaretta Hammond -基础文本被用于跨SPS连接脑科学文化有效的教学和学习.
    • We Dare Say Love, Na’ilah Suad Nasir, Jarvis R. Givens, and Christopher P. Chatmon (editors) – another guiding text for SPS, 它提出了一个至关重要的问题,即在大城市教育黑人男性学生意味着什么.
    • How to Be an Antiracist, Ibram X. 肯迪——一种令人振奋的原创方法,用来理解和根除我们社会和我们自己的种族主义和不平等.

Our district is large and complex, and 为支持教育工作者和工作人员争取种族平等而建立的制度有许多方面. While you can find DREA’s programs and offerings above, 下列地区部门及环评机构为员工提供不同的支援途径:

Equity, Partnerships, and Engagement (EPE) Division – The division of Equity, 伙伴关系和参与(EPE)是一个面向服务的部门,专注于创新和解决问题,以提升有前途的实践, 建立成人能力,并指导整个系统各级的组织发展.

Office of African American Male Achievement (AAMA) - AAMA致力于确保整个系统的教育环境支持黑人男孩和青少年的才华和卓越.

Ombudsperson – The District Ombuds Office serves as an independent, confidential, third party to assist SPS Schools and Families resolve problems, complaints, conflicts, 以及其他与学校有关的问题在正常程序失败时处于最低水平.

Office of Student Civil Rights (OSCR) – The Office of Student Civil Rights (OSCR) is charged with receiving, processing, 并解决根据特区歧视投诉程序提出的投诉. 

东南亚种族平等中心(CRE) -该中心的使命是赋予教育工作者权力, 以个别或集体的方式,消除东南亚地区的种族不公正, our schools, our community, and our profession.

SEA Association Representatives – The Association Representative acts as a go-between, 将普通成员的信息传递给SEA选出的领导人.

Still can’t find the department, program, or person for your inquiry? Contact Us

students writing at a desk

“尽管有种种限制,教室仍然是一个充满可能性的地方. 在那个可能性的领域里,我们有机会为自由而劳动, to demand of ourselves and our comrades, 思想和心灵的开放使我们能够面对现实,即使我们共同想象超越界限的方法, to transgress. This is education as the practice of freedom.” 

– bell hooks, Teaching to Transgress, 1994

students working on a project at a table